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Base-Ball: How to Become a Player Platanus Publishing

Base-Ball: How to Become a Player Platanus Publishing | 9786257907231
Üretici Liste Fiyatı: 304.00 TL
Kitapseç Fiyatı:228.00 TL
Yayınevi / Marka
76.00 TL
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228 Puan
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En geç 18 Mayıs Cumartesi gününe kadar
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Satıcı: KitapSeç
Satıcı Ünvanı: ADRES7 Elektronik Ticaret ve Bilişim Hizmetleri Anonim Şirketi
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tarafından gönderilecektir.

&`;It may or it may not be a serious reflection upon the accuracy of histor y that the circumstances of the invention of the first ball are enveloped in some doubt. Herodotus attributes it to the Lydians, but several other writers unite in conceding to a certain beautiful lady of Corcyra, Anagalla by name, the credit of first having made a ball for the purpose of pastime. Several passages in Homer rather sustain this latter view, and, therefore, with the weight of evidence, and to the glor y of woman, we, too, shall adopt this theor y. Anagalla did not apply for letters patent, but, whether from goodness of heart or inability to keep a secret, she lost no time in making known her invention and explaining its uses. Homer, then, relates how: &`;O`er the green mead the sporting virgins play, Their shining veils unbound; along the skies, Tost and retost, the ball incessant flies.”

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